--echo # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --echo # Test of aggregate function GROUP_CONCAT --echo # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- create table t2(j json); insert into t2 values (json_array(ST_GeomFromText('LineString(0 0, 1 1, 2 2)'))); select group_concat(j order by j) from t2; drop table t2; # MySQL and ECMA strings have different sets of printable control # character conventions. So make sure we get the desired test # characters in by inserting them one by one and checking that we insert # a single character, which we can test JSON_QUOTE on: create table t (c varchar(20)); insert into t values ('\\'); select char_length(c) from t; insert into t values (X'0C'); # formfeed \f select sum(char_length(c)) from t; insert into t values ('"'); select sum(char_length(c)) from t; insert into t values ('\a'); select sum(char_length(c)) from t; insert into t values ('\b'); select sum(char_length(c)) from t; insert into t values ('\t'); select sum(char_length(c)) from t; insert into t values ('\n'); select sum(char_length(c)) from t; insert into t values ('\r'); select sum(char_length(c)) from t; insert into t values (X'10'); # needs \u escape select sum(char_length(c)) from t; select group_concat(c order by c) from t; select char_length(group_concat(c)) from t; select json_quote(group_concat(c order by c)) from t; select char_length(json_quote(group_concat(c))) from t; select convert(group_concat(c) using utf8mb4) = json_unquote(group_concat(c)) as should_be_equal from t; delete from t; alter table t add column (j json); insert into t values (NULL, NULL); select json_quote(c), json_quote(j) from t; select json_unquote(c), json_unquote(j) from t; drop table t;