# Populate a table with 1000 records. Allow the replica to sync with the master. # Run concurrent threads that run OLTP transactions on master. # Kill the master database server at random points. # Check the table against the replica. # Reinvoke the threads. --connection master #--let $innodb_index_cluster_optimization_save_master = `SELECT @@innodb_prefix_index_cluster_optimization` --connection slave #--let $innodb_index_cluster_optimization_save_slave = `SELECT @@innodb_prefix_index_cluster_optimization` # create the directory for temporary log files. --exec mkdir -p $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/load_generator if ($fake_changes) { --exec mkdir -p $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/load_generator_slave } --connection master # since this test generates lot of errors in log, suppress checking errors call mtr.add_suppression(".*"); --sync_slave_with_master --connection master --let $pid_file = `SELECT @@pid_file` --let $crash_num = 0 --let $master_host = --let $table = test --let $user = root --let $checksum = 0 --let $secondary_index_checks = 0 if ($do_checksum) { # populate the table and store its checksum before any load. let $exec = python $MYSQL_BASEDIR/mysql-test/suite/innodb_stress/t/load_generator.py $pid_file $kill_db_after $num_records 0 0 $user $master_host $MASTER_MYPORT $table 0 $max_rows $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/load_generator 0 0 0; exec $exec; let $checksum=query_get_value(CHECKSUM TABLE t1, Checksum, 1); # Master needs to be restarted to start with an empty buffer pool so # that logical read ahead gets used. let rpl_server_number = 1; source include/rpl_restart_server.inc; connection slave; # Start slave to avoid I/O thread retry errors disable_warnings; source include/start_slave.inc; enable_warnings; let $num_records = 0; } while ($num_crashes) { connection master; exec echo "restart" > $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/mysqld.1.expect; if ($crash_num) { let $num_records = 0; # do not populate the table except for the first run. } if ($use_blob) { let $exec = python $MYSQL_BASEDIR/mysql-test/suite/innodb_stress/t/load_generator.py $pid_file $kill_db_after $num_records $num_workers $num_transactions $user $master_host $MASTER_MYPORT $table 1 $max_rows $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/load_generator 0 $checksum $secondary_index_checks; } if (!$use_blob) { let $exec = python $MYSQL_BASEDIR/mysql-test/suite/innodb_stress/t/load_generator.py $pid_file $kill_db_after $num_records $num_workers $num_transactions $user $master_host $MASTER_MYPORT $table 0 $max_rows $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/load_generator 0 $checksum $secondary_index_checks; } exec $exec; if ($do_crash) { --echo Wait for reconnect enable_reconnect; # Call script that will poll the server waiting for it to be back online again source include/wait_until_connected_again.inc; connection slave; source include/wait_until_connected_again.inc; connection master; } --echo Checksum master let $master_checksum = query_get_value(CHECKSUM TABLE t1, Checksum, 1); # if sync_slave_with_master had a configurable timeout this would not be needed let $slave_sync_timeout = 7200; --source include/wait_for_slave_to_sync_with_master.inc connection slave; if ($fake_changes) { --echo applying fake updates to the slave let $slave_pid_file = `SELECT @@pid_file`; let $slave_exec = python $MYSQL_BASEDIR/mysql-test/suite/innodb_stress/t/load_generator.py $slave_pid_file $kill_db_after 0 $num_workers $num_transactions $user $master_host $SLAVE_MYPORT $table 0 $max_rows $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/load_generator_slave 1 $checksum $secondary_index_checks; exec $slave_exec; } --echo Checksum slave let $slave_checksum=query_get_value(CHECKSUM TABLE t1, Checksum, 1); let $not_same = `SELECT $master_checksum-$slave_checksum`; if ($not_same) { let $msg = The checksums of table t1 for master and slave do not match for $crash_num th crash. This may happen if there is a corrupt recovery log or a bug in crash recovery. You can take a look at the logs in $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/load_generator to see the queries issued before the crash.; echo $msg; connection master; eval select * into outfile '$MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/master_all' from t1 order by id; eval select id into outfile '$MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/master_id' from t1 order by id; show master status; connection slave; eval select * into outfile '$MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/slave_all' from t1 order by id; eval select id into outfile '$MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/slave_id' from t1 order by id; show slave status; die; } dec $num_crashes; inc $crash_num; } # final cleanup --connection master let $primary=`select count(*) from t1 use index (primary)`; let $secondary=`select count(*) from t1 use index (msg_i)`; if ($primary != $secondary) { --echo Secondary index inconsistent! $primary != $secondary --die } DROP TABLE t1; # if sync_slave_with_master had a configurable timeout this would not be needed let $slave_sync_timeout = 7200; --source include/wait_for_slave_to_sync_with_master.inc --connection slave --source include/stop_slave.inc # For stress tests sometimes the replication thread can not connect to master # temporarily. This is either because the master crashed and it is recovering # or the master is too busy and could not service the slave's requests. # mtr's internal check requires that there be no errors in slave status. # restarting replication clears the errors. --source include/start_slave.inc --source include/stop_slave.inc connection master; # --exec rm -rf $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/load_generator --connection slave # Restore the value of variable on slave --disable_query_log #eval SET GLOBAL innodb_prefix_index_cluster_optimization = $innodb_index_cluster_optimization_save_slave; --enable_query_log --connection master # Restore the value of variable on master --disable_query_log #eval SET GLOBAL innodb_prefix_index_cluster_optimization = $innodb_index_cluster_optimization_save_master; --enable_query_log