--let MYSQLD_DATADIR=`SELECT @@datadir` SET DEBUG = '+d,ib_fts_aux_table_error'; --error 1030 --eval CREATE TABLE t1(a TEXT, b TEXT, c TEXT, d TEXT, FULLTEXT idx(a,b), FULLTEXT idx2(c,d)) $EXTRA_PARAMS SET DEBUG = '-d,ib_fts_aux_table_error'; --source suite/innodb/include/show_i_s_tables.inc --echo # list files in datadir/test --list_files $MYSQLD_DATADIR/test SET DEBUG = '+d,ib_fts_index_table_error'; --error 1030 --eval CREATE TABLE t1(a TEXT, b TEXT, c TEXT, d TEXT, FULLTEXT idx(a,b), FULLTEXT idx2(c,d)) $EXTRA_PARAMS SET DEBUG = '-d,ib_fts_index_table_error'; --source suite/innodb/include/show_i_s_tables.inc --echo # list files in datadir/test --list_files $MYSQLD_DATADIR/test --eval CREATE TABLE t1 (id INT UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, title VARCHAR(200)) ENGINE=InnoDB $EXTRA_PARAMS --source suite/innodb/include/show_i_s_tables.inc --echo # list files in datadir/test --list_files $MYSQLD_DATADIR/test SET DEBUG = '+d,ib_fts_aux_table_error'; --error 1030 ALTER TABLE t1 ADD FULLTEXT INDEX (title); SET DEBUG = '-d,ib_fts_aux_table_error'; --source suite/innodb/include/show_i_s_tables.inc --echo # list files in datadir/test --let $regexp=/FTS_([0-9a-f_]+)([A-Z0-9_]+)\.i/FTS_AUX_\2.i/ --replace_regex $regexp --list_files $MYSQLD_DATADIR/test SET DEBUG = '+d,ib_fts_index_table_error'; --error 1030 ALTER TABLE t1 ADD FULLTEXT INDEX (title); SET DEBUG = '-d,ib_fts_index_table_error'; --source suite/innodb/include/show_i_s_tables.inc --echo # list files in datadir/test --replace_regex $regexp --list_files $MYSQLD_DATADIR/test DROP TABLE t1; --eval CREATE TABLE t1 (a VARCHAR(200), b TEXT, FULLTEXT fts_idx(a,b), c INT PRIMARY KEY) $EXTRA_PARAMS INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('MySQL Tutorial','DBMS stands for DataBase', 1) , ('How To Use MySQL Well','After you went through a', 2), ('Optimizing MySQL','In this tutorial we will show', 3); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('1001 MySQL Tricks','1. Never run mysqld as root', 4), ('MySQL vs. YourSQL','In the following database comparison', 5), ('MySQL Security','When configured properly, MySQL', 6); SELECT c FROM t1 WHERE MATCH (a,b) AGAINST ('Tutorial' IN NATURAL LANGUAGE MODE); --source suite/innodb/include/show_i_s_tables.inc --echo # list files in datadir/test --replace_regex $regexp --list_files $MYSQLD_DATADIR/test SET DEBUG = '+d,ib_fts_aux_table_error'; --error 1030 ALTER TABLE t1 ADD COLUMN pk INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, DROP PRIMARY KEY, ADD PRIMARY KEY(pk), ALGORITHM=copy; SET DEBUG = '-d,ib_fts_aux_table_error'; --source suite/innodb/include/show_i_s_tables.inc --echo # list files in datadir/test --replace_regex $regexp --list_files $MYSQLD_DATADIR/test SET DEBUG = '+d,ib_fts_index_table_error'; --error 1030 ALTER TABLE t1 ADD COLUMN pk INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, DROP PRIMARY KEY, ADD PRIMARY KEY(pk), ALGORITHM=copy; SET DEBUG = '-d,ib_fts_index_table_error'; --source suite/innodb/include/show_i_s_tables.inc --echo # list files in datadir/test --replace_regex $regexp --list_files $MYSQLD_DATADIR/test SET DEBUG = '+d,ib_fts_aux_table_error'; ALTER TABLE t1 DROP INDEX fts_idx, ADD FULLTEXT INDEX fts_idx(a,b); SET DEBUG = '-d,ib_fts_aux_table_error'; --source suite/innodb/include/show_i_s_tables.inc --echo # list files in datadir/test --replace_regex $regexp --list_files $MYSQLD_DATADIR/test SET DEBUG = '+d,ib_fts_index_table_error'; --error 1030 ALTER TABLE t1 DROP INDEX fts_idx, ADD FULLTEXT INDEX fts_idx(a); SET DEBUG = '-d,ib_fts_index_table_error'; --source suite/innodb/include/show_i_s_tables.inc --echo # list files in datadir/test --replace_regex $regexp --list_files $MYSQLD_DATADIR/test DROP TABLE t1;