#====================================================================== # # Trigger Tests # (test case numbering refer to requirement document TP v1.1) #====================================================================== # WL#4084: enable disabled parts, 2007-11-15 hhunger USE test; --source suite/funcs_1/include/tb3.inc # General setup for Trigger tests let $message= Testcase: 3.5:; --source include/show_msg.inc --disable_abort_on_error create User test_general@localhost; alter user test_general@localhost identified by 'PWD'; revoke ALL PRIVILEGES, GRANT OPTION FROM test_general@localhost; create User test_super@localhost; alter user test_super@localhost identified by 'PWD'; grant ALL on *.* to test_super@localhost with grant OPTION; connect (con2_general,localhost,test_general,PWD,test,$MASTER_MYPORT,$MASTER_MYSOCK); connect (con2_super,localhost,test_super,PWD,test,$MASTER_MYPORT,$MASTER_MYSOCK); connection default; ################################# ####### Section 3.5.8 ########### # Checks on Triggered Actions # ################################# #Section # Testcase: Ensure that the triggered action of every trigger always executes # correctly and the results in all expected changes made to the database let $message= Testcase (implied in previous tests); --source include/show_msg.inc #Section # Testcase: Ensure that the triggered actions of every trigger never results # in an unexpected change made to the database. let $message= Testcase (implied in previous tests); --source include/show_msg.inc #Section / #Test case: Ensure that the triggered action can any valid SQL statement / set # of valid SQL statements, provided the statements are written within # a BEGIN/END compound statement construct # OBN - At this point the tests focuses on the the INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE SQL statements # as there are the most likely to be used in triggers let $message= Testcase; --source include/show_msg.inc # creating test tables to perform the trigger SQL on connection con2_super; create database db_test; create user test_general; grant SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE on db_test.* to test_general; grant LOCK TABLES on db_test.* to test_general; Use db_test; --replace_result $engine_type eval create table t1_i ( i120 char ascii not null DEFAULT b'101', i136 smallint zerofill not null DEFAULT 999, i144 int zerofill not null DEFAULT 99999, i163 decimal (63,30)) engine=$engine_type; --replace_result $engine_type eval create table t1_u ( u120 char ascii not null DEFAULT b'101', u136 smallint zerofill not null DEFAULT 999, u144 int zerofill not null DEFAULT 99999, u163 decimal (63,30)) engine=$engine_type; --replace_result $engine_type eval create table t1_d ( d120 char ascii not null DEFAULT b'101', d136 smallint zerofill not null DEFAULT 999, d144 int zerofill not null DEFAULT 99999, d163 decimal (63,30)) engine=$engine_type; Insert into t1_u values ('a',111,99999,999.99); Insert into t1_u values ('b',222,99999,999.99); Insert into t1_u values ('c',333,99999,999.99); Insert into t1_u values ('d',222,99999,999.99); Insert into t1_u values ('e',222,99999,999.99); Insert into t1_u values ('f',333,99999,999.99); Insert into t1_d values ('a',111,99999,999.99); Insert into t1_d values ('b',222,99999,999.99); Insert into t1_d values ('c',333,99999,999.99); Insert into t1_d values ('d',444,99999,999.99); Insert into t1_d values ('e',222,99999,999.99); Insert into t1_d values ('f',222,99999,999.99); let $message= - multiple SQL; --source include/show_msg.inc # Trigger definition - multiple SQL use test; delimiter //; Create trigger trg1 AFTER INSERT on tb3 for each row BEGIN insert into db_test.t1_i values (new.f120, new.f136, new.f144, new.f163); update db_test.t1_u set u144=new.f144, u163=new.f163 where u136=new.f136; delete from db_test.t1_d where d136= new.f136; select sum(db_test.t1_u.u163) into @test_var from db_test.t1_u where u136= new.f136; END// delimiter ;// # Test trigger execution - multiple SQL connection con2_general; Use test; set @test_var=0; Insert into tb3 (f120, f122, f136, f144, f163) values ('1', 'Test', 222, 23456, 1.05); Select f120, f122, f136, f144, f163 from tb3 where f122= 'Test'; --sorted_result select * from db_test.t1_i; --sorted_result select * from db_test.t1_u; --sorted_result select * from db_test.t1_d; select @test_var; let $message= - single SQL - insert; --source include/show_msg.inc # Trigger definition - single SQL Insert connection con2_super; delimiter //; Create trigger trg2 BEFORE UPDATE on tb3 for each row BEGIN insert into db_test.t1_i values (new.f120, new.f136, new.f144, new.f163); END// delimiter ;// # Trigger exeution - single SQL Insert connection con2_general; Select f120, f122, f136, f144, f163 from tb3 where f122 like 'Test'; select * from db_test.t1_i order by i120; update tb3 set f120='I', f122='Test Insert' where f122='Test'; Select f120, f122, f136, f144, f163 from tb3 where f122 like 'Test'; select * from db_test.t1_i order by i120; let $message= - single SQL - update; --source include/show_msg.inc # Trigger definition - single SQL update connection con2_super; drop trigger trg2; Create trigger trg3 BEFORE UPDATE on tb3 for each row update db_test.t1_u set u120=new.f120 where u136=new.f136; # Trigger exeution - single SQL - update; connection con2_general; update tb3 set f120='U', f122='Test Update' where f122='Test Insert'; Select f120, f122, f136, f144, f163 from tb3 where f122 like 'Test'; select * from db_test.t1_u order by u120; let $message= - single SQL - delete; --source include/show_msg.inc # Trigger definition - single SQL delete connection con2_super; drop trigger trg3; Create trigger trg4 AFTER UPDATE on tb3 for each row delete from db_test.t1_d where d136= new.f136; # Trigger exeution - single SQL delete connection con2_general; #lock tables tb3 write, db_test.t1_i write, db_test.t1_u write, db_test.t1_d write; update tb3 set f120='D', f136=444, f122='Test Delete' where f122='Test Update'; #unlock tables; Select f120, f122, f136, f144, f163 from tb3 where f122 like 'Test'; select * from db_test.t1_d order by d120; let $message= - single SQL - select; --source include/show_msg.inc # Trigger definition - single SQL select connection con2_super; drop trigger trg4; Create trigger trg5 AFTER UPDATE on tb3 for each row select sum(db_test.t1_u.u163) into @test_var from db_test.t1_u where u136= new.f136; # Trigger exeution - single SQL select connection con2_general; set @test_var=0; update tb3 set f120='S', f136=111, f122='Test Select' where f122='Test Delete'; Select f120, f122, f136, f144, f163 from tb3 where f122 like 'Test'; select @test_var; #Cleanup connection default; --disable_warnings drop trigger trg1; drop trigger trg5; drop database if exists db_test; delete from tb3 where f122 like 'Test'; revoke ALL PRIVILEGES, GRANT OPTION FROM 'test_general'@'localhost'; --enable_warnings #Section (IF) # Test case: Ensure that the stored procedure-specific flow control statement like IF # works correctly when it is a part of the triggered action portion of a # trigger definition. let $message= Testcase (IF):; --source include/show_msg.inc delimiter //; create trigger trg2 before insert on tb3 for each row BEGIN IF new.f120='1' then set @test_var='one', new.f120='2'; ELSEIF new.f120='2' then set @test_var='two', new.f120='3'; ELSEIF new.f120='3' then set @test_var='three', new.f120='4'; END IF; IF (new.f120='4') and (new.f136=10) then set @test_var2='2nd if', new.f120='d'; ELSE set @test_var2='2nd else', new.f120='D'; END IF; END// delimiter ;// set @test_var='Empty', @test_var2=0; Insert into tb3 (f120, f122, f136) values ('1', 'Test', 101); select f120, f122, f136, @test_var, @test_var2 from tb3 where f122 = 'Test' order by f136; Insert into tb3 (f120, f122, f136) values ('2', 'Test', 102); select f120, f122, f136, @test_var, @test_var2 from tb3 where f122 = 'Test' order by f136; Insert into tb3 (f120, f122, f136) values ('3', 'Test', 10); select f120, f122, f136, @test_var, @test_var2 from tb3 where f122 = 'Test' order by f136; Insert into tb3 (f120, f122, f136) values ('3', 'Test', 103); select f120, f122, f136, @test_var, @test_var2 from tb3 where f122 = 'Test' order by f136; delimiter //; --error ER_PARSE_ERROR create trigger trg3 before update on tb3 for each row BEGIN ELSEIF new.f120='2' then END IF; END// --error 0, ER_TRG_DOES_NOT_EXIST drop trigger trg3// --error ER_PARSE_ERROR create trigger trg4 before update on tb3 for each row BEGIN IF (new.f120='4') and (new.f136=10) then set @test_var2='2nd if', new.f120='d'; ELSE set @test_var2='2nd else', new.f120='D'; END// delimiter ;// --error 0, ER_TRG_DOES_NOT_EXIST drop trigger trg4; #Cleanup --disable_warnings drop trigger trg2; delete from tb3 where f121='Test'; --enable_warnings #Section (CASE) # Test case: Ensure that the stored procedure-specific flow control statement # like CASE works correctly when it is a part of the triggered action # portion of a trigger definition. let $message= Testcase; --source include/show_msg.inc SET sql_mode = 'NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION'; delimiter //; create trigger trg3 before insert on tb3 for each row BEGIN SET new.f120=char(ascii(new.f120)-32); CASE when new.f136<100 then set new.f136=new.f136+120; when new.f136<10 then set new.f144=777; when new.f136>100 then set new.f120=new.f136-1; END case; CASE when new.f136=200 then set @test_var=CONCAT(new.f120, '='); ELSE set @test_var=concat(new.f120, '*'); END case; CASE new.f144 when 1 then set @test_var=concat(@test_var, 'one'); when 2 then set @test_var=concat(@test_var, 'two'); when 3 then set @test_var=concat(@test_var, 'three'); when 4 then set @test_var=concat(@test_var, 'four'); when 5 then set @test_var=concat(@test_var, 'five'); when 6 then set @test_var=concat(@test_var, 'six'); when 7 then set @test_var=concat(@test_var, 'seven'); when 8 then set @test_var=concat(@test_var, 'eight'); when 9 then set @test_var=concat(@test_var, 'nine'); when 10 then set @test_var=concat(@test_var, 'ten'); when 11 then set @test_var=concat(@test_var, 'eleven'); when 12 then set @test_var=concat(@test_var, 'twelve'); when 13 then set @test_var=concat(@test_var, 'thirteen'); when 14 then set @test_var=concat(@test_var, 'fourteen'); when 15 then set @test_var=concat(@test_var, 'fifteen'); ELSE set @test_var=CONCAT(new.f120, '*', new.f144); END case; END// delimiter ;// set @test_var='Empty'; Insert into tb3 (f120, f122, f136, f144) values ('a', 'Test', 5, 7); select f120, f122, f136, f144, @test_var from tb3 where f122 = 'Test' order by f120,f136; Insert into tb3 (f120, f122, f136, f144) values ('b', 'Test', 71,16); select f120, f122, f136, f144, @test_var from tb3 where f122 = 'Test' order by f120,f136; Insert into tb3 (f120, f122, f136, f144) values ('c', 'Test', 80,1); select f120, f122, f136, f144, @test_var from tb3 where f122 = 'Test' order by f120,f136; Insert into tb3 (f120, f122, f136) values ('d', 'Test', 152); select f120, f122, f136, f144, @test_var from tb3 where f122 = 'Test' order by f120,f136; Insert into tb3 (f120, f122, f136, f144) values ('e', 'Test', 200, 8); select f120, f122, f136, f144, @test_var from tb3 where f122 = 'Test' order by f120,f136; --error 0, ER_SP_CASE_NOT_FOUND Insert into tb3 (f120, f122, f136, f144) values ('f', 'Test', 100, 8); select f120, f122, f136, f144, @test_var from tb3 where f122 = 'Test' order by f120,f136; delimiter //; --error ER_PARSE_ERROR create trigger trg3a before update on tb3 for each row BEGIN CASE when new.f136<100 then set new.f120='p'; END// delimiter ;// --error 0, ER_TRG_DOES_NOT_EXIST drop trigger trg3a; #Cleanup --disable_warnings drop trigger trg3; delete from tb3 where f121='Test'; --enable_warnings SET sql_mode = default; #Section (LOOP) # Test case: Ensure that the stored procedure-specific flow control # statement like LOOP / LEAVE work correctly when they are # part of the triggered action portion of a trigger definition. let $message= Testcase; --source include/show_msg.inc delimiter //; Create trigger trg4 after insert on tb3 for each row BEGIN set @counter=0, @flag='Initial'; Label1: loop if new.f136 new.f136 END REPEAT rp_label; END// delimiter ;// set @counter1= 0, @counter2= 0; Insert into tb3 (f122, f136) values ('Test', 13); select @counter1, @counter2; delimiter //; --error ER_PARSE_ERROR Create trigger trg6_2 after update on tb3 for each row BEGIN REPEAT SET @counter2 = @counter2 + 1; END// delimiter ;// #Cleanup --disable_warnings drop trigger trg6; delete from tb3 where f122='Test'; --enable_warnings #Section (WHILE) # Test case: Ensure that the stored procedure-specific flow control # statements WHILE, work correctly when they are part of # the triggered action portion of a trigger definition. let $message= Testcase; --source include/show_msg.inc delimiter //; Create trigger trg7 after insert on tb3 for each row wl_label: WHILE @counter1 < new.f136 DO SET @counter1 = @counter1 + 1; IF (@counter1 MOD 2 = 0) THEN ITERATE wl_label; END IF; SET @counter2 = @counter2 + 1; END WHILE wl_label// delimiter ;// set @counter1= 0, @counter2= 0; Insert into tb3 (f122, f136) values ('Test', 7); select @counter1, @counter2; delimiter //; --error ER_PARSE_ERROR Create trigger trg7_2 after update on tb3 for each row BEGIN WHILE @counter1 < new.f136 SET @counter1 = @counter1 + 1; END// delimiter ;// #Cleanup --disable_warnings delete from tb3 where f122='Test'; drop trigger trg7; --enable_warnings #Section # Test case: Ensure that a trigger definition that includes a CALL to a stored # procedure fails, at CREATE TRIGGER time, with an appropriate error # message. Not more valid requirement. let $message= Testcase (requirement void); --source include/show_msg.inc delimiter //; CREATE PROCEDURE sp_01 () BEGIN set @v1=1; END// CREATE TRIGGER trg8_1 BEFORE UPDATE ON tb3 FOR EACH ROW BEGIN CALL sp_01 (); END// delimiter ;// Insert into tb3 (f120, f122, f136) values ('6', 'Test', 101); update tb3 set f120='S', f136=111, f122='Test' where f122='Test'; select f120, f122 from tb3 where f122 like 'Test' order by f120; DROP TRIGGER trg8_1; DROP PROCEDURE sp_01; #Section # Test case: Ensure that a trigger definition that includes a # transaction-delimiting statement (e.g. COMMIT, # ROLLBACK, START TRANSACTION) fails, at CREATE TRIGGER # time, with an appropriate error message. let $message= Testcase; --source include/show_msg.inc delimiter //; --error ER_COMMIT_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_SF_OR_TRG Create trigger trg9_1 before update on tb3 for each row BEGIN Start transaction; Set new.f120='U'; Commit; END// --error ER_COMMIT_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_SF_OR_TRG Create trigger trg9_2 before delete on tb3 for each row BEGIN Start transaction; Set @var2=old.f120; Rollback; END// delimiter ;// # Cleanup section 3.5 connection default; drop user test_general@localhost; drop user test_general; drop user test_super@localhost; DROP TABLE test.tb3;