# ==== Purpose ==== # # Waits until SHOW SLAVE STATUS has returned a specified value, or # until a timeout is reached. # # # ==== Usage ==== # # --let $slave_param= Slave_SQL_Running # --let $slave_param_value= No # [--let $slave_param_comparison= [ < | <= | >= | > | = | != ]] # [--let $slave_timeout= NUMBER] # [--let $slave_error_param= [Last_SQL_Errno | Last_IO_Errno]] # [--let $slave_error_param= [Slave_SQL_Errno | Slave_IO_Errno]] # [--let $slave_io_running_check_disable= 1] # [--let $rpl_channel_name= NAME] # [--let $rpl_debug= 1] # [--let $slave_io_errno= NUMBER [, NUMBER ...] [# comment]] # [--let $slave_sql_errno= NUMBER [, NUMBER ...] [# comment]] # --source include/wait_for_slave_param.inc # # Parameters: # # $slave_param, $slave_param_value # This macro will wait until the column of the output of SHOW SLAVE # STATUS named $slave_param gets the value $slave_param_value. See # the example above. # # $slave_param_comparison # By default, this file waits until $slave_param becomes equal to # $slave_param_value. If you want to wait until $slave_param # becomes *unequal* to $slave_param_value, set this parameter to the # string '!=', like this: # --let $slave_param_comparison= != # # $rpl_channel_name # If this is not '', adds a FOR CHANNEL '$rpl_channel_name' clause # to SHOW SLAVE STATUS. # # $slave_timeout # The default timeout is 30 seconds. You can change the timeout by # setting $slave_timeout. The unit is one second. # # $slave_error_param # If set, this script will check for errors in the column of the # output from SHOW SLAVE STATUS named $slave_error_param while # waiting for the parameter. Once finding an error that is not # expected (see $slave_io_errno and $slave_sql_errno parameters) # this script will fail immediately. Typically, this should be set # to Last_IO_Errno or Last_SQL_Errno. # # $slave_io_running_check_disable # If set, this bypasses the check to see if the IO thread is started, # so params can be checked and verified for a stopped IO thread as # well. Otherwise check is made, and it is checked if the IO thread # is connected successfully with master. # # $rpl_debug # See include/rpl_init.inc # # $slave_io_errno # See include/wait_for_slave_io_error.inc # # $slave_sql_errno # See include/wait_for_slave_sql_error.inc # # ==== mysqltest variables configured by this file ==== # # This file sets $slave_param_statement to the SQL statement used to # get the slave status: either SHOW SLAVE STATUS or SHOW SLAVE STATUS # FOR CHANNEL ''. --let $_wait_for_slave_params= $slave_param if ($rpl_channel_name != '') { --let $_wait_for_slave_params= $_wait_for_slave_params channel=$rpl_channel_name } --let $include_filename= wait_for_slave_param.inc [$_wait_for_slave_params] --source include/begin_include_file.inc --let $default_timeout= 30 --let $sleep_freq= 10 --let $sleep_time= `select 1.0 / $sleep_freq` --let $start_to_wait=`select current_timestamp()` let $_slave_timeout= $slave_timeout; if (!$_slave_timeout) { let $_slave_timeout= `select $default_timeout * $sleep_freq`; } if ($VALGRIND_TEST) { let $_slave_timeout= `select $_slave_timeout * 6`; } if ($slave_error_param) { if ($slave_error_param != "Last_SQL_Errno") { if ($slave_error_param != "Last_IO_Errno") { --echo *** slave_error_param = $slave_error_param --die slave_error_param must be null, Last_SQL_Errno or Last_IO_Errno } } } let $_slave_param_comparison= $slave_param_comparison; if (!$_slave_param_comparison) { let $_slave_param_comparison= =; } if ($rpl_debug) { --echo Waiting until '$slave_param' $_slave_param_comparison '$slave_param_value' [timeout='$_slave_timeout', \$slave_error_param='$slave_error_param'] } --let $slave_param_statement= SHOW SLAVE STATUS if ($rpl_channel_name != '') { --let $slave_param_statement= $slave_param_statement FOR CHANNEL '$rpl_channel_name' } if (!$slave_io_running_check_disable) { --let $_slave_check_configured= query_get_value($slave_param_statement, Slave_IO_Running, 1) if ($_slave_check_configured == 'No such row') { --echo **** ERROR: $slave_param_statement returned empty result set. Slave not configured. **** --source include/show_rpl_debug_info.inc --die SHOW SLAVE STATUS returned empty result set. Slave not configured. } } # Strip away comments on $slave_io_errno and $slave_sql_errno parameters --let $_slave_io_errno= `SELECT IF(LOCATE('#', '$slave_io_errno') != 0, SUBSTR('$slave_io_errno', 1, LOCATE('#', '$slave_io_errno') - 1), '$slave_io_errno')` --let $_slave_sql_errno= `SELECT IF(LOCATE('#', '$slave_sql_errno') != 0, SUBSTR('$slave_sql_errno', 1, LOCATE('#', '$slave_sql_errno') - 1), '$slave_sql_errno')` --let $_slave_timeout_counter= `select $_slave_timeout * $sleep_freq` --let $_slave_continue= 1 while ($_slave_continue) { --let $_show_slave_status_value= query_get_value($slave_param_statement, $slave_param, 1) # Check if an error condition is reached. if ($slave_error_param) { --let $_show_slave_status_error_value= query_get_value($slave_param_statement, $slave_error_param, 1) # Check if the error condition was expected if ($_show_slave_status_error_value) { --let $_expected_error= if ($slave_error_param == "Last_IO_Errno") { --let $_expected_error=`SELECT FIND_IN_SET('$_show_slave_status_error_value','$_slave_io_errno')` } if ($slave_error_param == "Last_SQL_Errno") { --let $_expected_error=`SELECT FIND_IN_SET('$_show_slave_status_error_value','$_slave_sql_errno')` } # If the error is an expected error, just ignore it if ($_expected_error) { --let $_show_slave_status_error_value= } } if ($_show_slave_status_error_value) { --echo **** ERROR: $slave_error_param = '$_show_slave_status_error_value' while waiting for slave parameter $slave_param $_slave_param_comparison $slave_param_value **** --source include/show_rpl_debug_info.inc --die Error condition reached in include/wait_for_slave_param.inc } } # Check if the termination condition is reached. --let $_slave_continue= `SELECT NOT('$_show_slave_status_value' $_slave_param_comparison '$slave_param_value')` # Decrease timer, and check if the timeout is reached. if ($_slave_continue) { --dec $_slave_timeout_counter if (!$_slave_timeout_counter) { --let $end_to_wait=`select current_timestamp()` --echo **** ERROR: timeout after $_slave_timeout ($end_to_wait - $start_to_wait) seconds while waiting for slave parameter $slave_param $_slave_param_comparison $slave_param_value **** --source include/show_rpl_debug_info.inc --die Timeout in include/wait_for_slave_param.inc } --sleep $sleep_time } } --let $include_filename= wait_for_slave_param.inc [$slave_param] --source include/end_include_file.inc