# # This is an include file that performs some assertions # on behalf of rpl_row_img_sanity test case. # # It begins by dumping the current connection binary log # and then compares it against the expected values (which # are parameters to this include) # # Expected values are arguments to this script and must be structured # as follows: # # -- let $row_img_expected= 1:1 2:2 3:'a' 4:NULL | 1:2 4:10 # # This example means that BEFORE IMAGE contains values for columns # with the given index in the original table 1, 2, 3, 4 and their # values are 1,2,'a',NULL respectively. # # The same resoning for the AFTER IMAGE that follows the image # separator char '|'. # # Arguments: # # - $row_img_expected # The expected values for BI and AI that we are searching for # - $row_img_pos # The start position in the binary log from which the searching # will be done # # Sample usage: # # -- let $row_img_expected= 1:1 2:2 3:'a' 4:NULL | 1:2 4:10 # -- let $row_img_pos= 107 # -- source include/rpl_row_img_parts_assertion.inc # if (`SELECT LENGTH("$row_img_pos") = 0`) { -- echo $row_img_pos not defined: $row_img_pos -- die Baiing out! } if (`SELECT LENGTH("$row_img_expected") = 0`) { -- echo \$row_img_expected not defined: $row_img_expected -- die Baiing out! } -- let $_prefix= `SELECT UUID()` -- let $TMP_FILE= $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/$_prefix.tmp -- let $binlog= query_get_value(SHOW MASTER STATUS, File, 1) -- let $MYSQLD_DATADIR= `select @@datadir;` -- exec $MYSQL_BINLOG -v --start-position=$row_img_pos $MYSQLD_DATADIR/$binlog > $TMP_FILE -- let IMG_EXPECTED=$row_img_expected -- let IMG_BINLOG_FILE= $TMP_FILE -- perl END_OF_FILE my $img = $ENV{'IMG_EXPECTED'}; my $file= $ENV{'IMG_BINLOG_FILE'}; open(FILE, $file) or die("Unable to open $binlog: $!\n"); my $contents = do { local $/; }; close(FILE) or die("Unable to close file."); # Save IMG_EXPECTED in $img and check if it has correct format $img =~ /^([0-9]+:\S+ )* *\| *( [0-9]+:\S+)*$/ or \ die "Invalid format of IMG_EXPECTED parameter. GOT: '$img'"; # Turn $img into the format of the binlog, and get BI and AI $img =~ s/ *([0-9]+):(\S*) */### \@$1=$2\n/g; my ($bi, $ai)= split(/ *\| */, $img); # Generate regular expression if ($ai) { if ($bi) { $pattern= "### UPDATE.*\n### WHERE\n$bi### SET\n$ai"; } else { $pattern= "### INSERT.*\n### SET\n$ai"; } } else { $pattern= "### DELETE.*\n### WHERE\n$bi"; } $match= ($contents =~ /$pattern/); if (!$match) { print "====================================================\n"; print "PATTERN FOR EXPECTED IMAGES DID NOT MATCH:\n"; print "====================================================\n"; print "$pattern"; print "====================================================\n\n"; print "====================================================\n"; print "BINLOG CONTENTS\n"; print "====================================================\n"; print "$contents"; print "====================================================\n"; } END_OF_FILE -- let IMG_EXPECTED= -- remove_file $TMP_FILE