--let $include_filename= have_group_replication_plugin.inc --let $_previous_include_silent= $include_silent --let $include_silent= 1 --source include/begin_include_file.inc # Synchronous replication will work only for RBR mode of replication thus tests # using it are restricted to this mode only. --source include/have_log_bin.inc --source include/have_binlog_format_row.inc --source include/not_embedded.inc --source include/have_innodb.inc --source include/have_gtid.inc # # Check if server has support for loading plugins # if (`SELECT @@have_dynamic_loading != 'YES'`) { --skip Requires dynamic loading } if (!$GROUP_REPLICATION) { --skip Need Group Replication plugin } if (!`select count(*) from information_schema.plugins where PLUGIN_NAME like 'group_replication'`) { --skip Need Group Replication plugin } # Allow $SERVER_MYPORT_1 as alias for $MASTER_MYPORT # necessary for the rpl_group_replication_default_connections.inc file. if (!$SERVER_MYPORT_1) { --let SERVER_MYPORT_1= $MASTER_MYPORT } # Allow $SERVER_MYPORT_2 as alias for $SLAVE_MYPORT # necessary for the rpl_group_replication_default_connections.inc file. if (!$SERVER_MYPORT_2) { --let SERVER_MYPORT_2= $SLAVE_MYPORT } --source include/rpl_group_replication_default_connections.inc --let $include_filename= have_group_replication_plugin.inc --let $include_silent= $_previous_include_silent --source include/end_include_file.inc