# Copyright (c) 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. --source include/turn_off_only_full_group_by.inc insert into t1 values(100,1,2),(200,1,1),(300,2,1),(400,2,2); analyze table t1; eval select distinct b from $source order by c; eval select distinct min(b) from $source group by a order by min(c); # just to see that if source is a view, it is merged --replace_column 9 # eval explain select distinct min(b) from $source group by a order by min(c); --echo Insert rows in different order: delete from t1; insert into t1 values(200,1,1),(100,1,2),(400,2,2),(300,2,1); analyze table t1; --echo And get a different order. Query is executed like this: --echo - First, DISTINCT, using a tmp MEMORY table with a unique --echo index, thus if two rows have the same 'b' but a different 'c', --echo the second row is rejected, so the first value of 'c' wins --echo (=> randomness of 'c') --echo - Second, ORDER BY on the random 'c'. eval select distinct b from $source order by c; --echo Random order too (same reason): eval select distinct min(b) from $source group by a order by min(c); --source include/restore_sql_mode_after_turn_off_only_full_group_by.inc --echo This query gives random order: --error ER_FIELD_IN_ORDER_NOT_SELECT eval select distinct b from $source order by c; --echo and this one too: --error ER_FIELD_IN_ORDER_NOT_SELECT eval select distinct b from $source order by b-1,b+1,c; --echo and this one too: --error ER_AGGREGATE_IN_ORDER_NOT_SELECT eval select distinct min(b) from $source group by a order by min(c); --echo Not random (though Standard bans aggregates from ORDER BY): eval select distinct min(b) from $source group by a order by min(b); --error ER_AGGREGATE_IN_ORDER_NOT_SELECT eval select distinct min(b) from $source group by a order by -min(b); --echo All group exprs are in select list => DISTINCT is removed => no error eval select distinct a, min(b) from $source group by a order by max(b-2)-min(c*5); --echo This one is standard: eval select distinct min(b) as z from $source group by a order by z; --echo Other queries: eval select distinct b from $source where b<0 order by rand(); eval select distinct b from $source order by 45.0+3; eval select (select distinct b from $source_no_alias as S2 where b=7 order by S3.a) from $source_no_alias as S3; eval select distinct b from $source order by abs(b); eval select distinct b as z from $source order by abs(z); --error ER_FIELD_IN_ORDER_NOT_SELECT eval select distinct b from $source order by abs(b+a); eval select distinct abs(b) as z from $source order by z; eval select distinct abs(b) as z from $source order by abs(b); eval select distinct abs(b) from $source order by abs(b); --echo Not ok: ABS(b)+1 is neither a SELECTed expression nor an alias --echo to one, and mentions a column of FROM tables. --error ER_FIELD_IN_ORDER_NOT_SELECT eval select distinct abs(b) as z from $source order by abs(b)+1; eval select distinct abs(b) as z from $source order by z+1; --error ER_FIELD_IN_ORDER_NOT_SELECT eval select distinct abs(b) from $source order by abs(b)+1; --error ER_FIELD_IN_ORDER_NOT_SELECT eval select distinct abs(b) as z from $source order by floor(10*b); --error ER_FIELD_IN_ORDER_NOT_SELECT eval select distinct abs(b) from $source order by floor(10*b); --echo Two offending columns; error message needs to report only one --error ER_FIELD_IN_ORDER_NOT_SELECT eval select distinct abs(b) from $source order by floor(10*b),floor(10*a); --error ER_FIELD_IN_ORDER_NOT_SELECT eval select distinct abs(b) from $source_no_alias as S2 order by (select floor(10*S2.b) from $source_no_alias as S3 limit 1); --echo Ok as S2.b in SELECT list eval select distinct abs(b),b from $source_no_alias as S2 order by (select floor(10*S2.b) from $source_no_alias as S3 limit 1); --echo Ok as subq does not use columns of FROM clause of ordered Q. eval select distinct abs(b) from $source_no_alias as S2 order by (select floor(10*S3.b) from $source_no_alias as S3 limit 1); --echo Subq as alias => ok eval select distinct abs(b), (select floor(10*S3.b) from $source_no_alias as S3 limit 1) as subq from $source_no_alias as S2 order by subq; --echo Bad field in left or right argument of ALL/ANY(subq): --error ER_FIELD_IN_ORDER_NOT_SELECT eval select distinct abs(b) from $source_no_alias as S2 order by floor(10*S2.b) IN (select floor(10*S3.b) from $source_no_alias as S3); --error ER_FIELD_IN_ORDER_NOT_SELECT eval select distinct abs(b) from $source_no_alias as S2 order by floor(10*S2.b) > ALL(select floor(10*S3.b) from $source_no_alias as S3); --error ER_FIELD_IN_ORDER_NOT_SELECT eval select distinct abs(b) from $source_no_alias as S2 order by floor(10*10) IN (select floor(10*S2.b) from $source_no_alias as S3); --error ER_FIELD_IN_ORDER_NOT_SELECT eval select distinct abs(b) from $source_no_alias as S2 order by floor(10*10) > ALL(select floor(10*S2.b) from $source_no_alias as S3); --echo Aggregates: --error ER_AGGREGATE_IN_ORDER_NOT_SELECT SELECT distinct 1 FROM t1 group by a order by count(*); --error ER_AGGREGATE_IN_ORDER_NOT_SELECT SELECT distinct 1 FROM t1 group by a order by count(*)-count(*); --echo Test ANY_VALUE SELECT distinct 1 FROM t1 group by a order by any_value(count(*)-count(b)); SELECT distinct 1 FROM t1 group by a order by any_value(count(*))-any_value(count(b)); --echo All group exprs are in select list => DISTINCT is removed => no error --sorted_result SELECT distinct a, min(b) FROM t1 group by a order by count(*)-count(*); --error ER_AGGREGATE_IN_ORDER_NOT_SELECT SELECT distinct 1 FROM t1 group by a order by count(*)-count(b); --echo aggregation in outer Q => constant in inner Q select * from t1 as t2 where t2.a in (SELECT distinct 1 FROM t1 group by a order by count(t2.a)-max(t2.a)); --echo ORDER BY expressions are in SELECT list => ok SELECT distinct 1, count(*)-count(b) FROM t1 group by a order by count(*)-count(b); --echo Without GROUP BY, aggregates yield a single row, no random order SELECT distinct sum(a) FROM t1 order by count(*)-count(*); SELECT distinct sum(a) FROM t1 order by count(*)-count(b); --echo Verify that DISTINCT is optimized away even if the aggregate --echo function is hidden in a subquery EXPLAIN SELECT DISTINCT MAX(b) FROM t1; EXPLAIN SELECT DISTINCT (SELECT MAX(t1.b) FROM t1 AS t2 LIMIT 1) FROM t1; --echo but if the subquery is the aggregation query, DISTINCT must stay: EXPLAIN SELECT DISTINCT (SELECT MAX(t1.b+0*t2.a) FROM t1 AS t2 LIMIT 1) FROM t1; --echo QA's query is properly rejected: --error ER_FIELD_IN_ORDER_NOT_SELECT eval SELECT DISTINCT GP1.a AS g1 FROM $source_no_alias AS GP1 WHERE GP1.a >= 0 ORDER BY GP1.b LIMIT 8; --echo result order does change depending on chosen plan. --sorted_result eval SELECT DISTINCT GP1.a AS g1 FROM $source_no_alias AS GP1 WHERE GP1.a >= 0 ORDER BY 2+ANY_VALUE(GP1.b) LIMIT 8; truncate table t1;