# ==== Purpose ==== # # Verify that GTID ownership is released for explicit prepared statement # with specified GTID, which is added in 'gtid_executed' table. # # ==== Implementation ==== # # 1. SET SESSION GTID_NEXT='UUID:GNO' # 2. Prepare a statment # 3. Execute the statement # 4. See that an entry is added in 'gtid_executed' table. # # ==== Usage ==== # # --let $statement= SQL command # --source include/prepare_and_execute_stmt.test --connection default SET GTID_NEXT = 'AUTOMATIC'; --replace_result $master_uuid MASTER_UUID --let $number = `SELECT GTID_NEXT_GENERATED(@@GLOBAL.GTID_EXECUTED, @@GLOBAL.SERVER_UUID)` --eval SET SESSION GTID_NEXT='$master_uuid:$number' --eval PREPARE stmt FROM '$statement' EXECUTE stmt; --connection connection_for_table_check --let $gtid_step_check_table= 1 --source include/gtid_step_assert.inc